Westwood Plateau Named Wildlife Friendly


Westwood Plateau Golf and Country Club has been named a “Wildlife Friendly Golf Course”, by the Institute of Urban Ecology at Douglas College. The partial findings of an I.U.E. investigation into the wildlife habitat value of three golf courses in the Greater Vancouver Regional District were published in the Institutes newsletter this fall. Nadine Pinnell, an I.U.E. Eco-Ed Coordinator writes, “Forested areas, undisturbed native vegetation, and small bodies of water throughout the [golf] course provide lots of natural habitat for wildlife. Course managers have further enhanced this natural habitat by installing nesting boxes for wood ducks, songbirds and bats”. The newsletter also goes on to mention Westwood’s five-year endeavour to be certified as a cooperative wildlife sanctuary by the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary System of Canada.

Westwood Plateau Golf and Country Club Course Superintendant, Bruce Thrasher, says, “In 1995 the Golf Course owners made a commitment to the community to design and provide a golf course that integrated the natural habitat of the surrounding area. Over the years we have continued to uphold the integrity of that original design”.

The Institutes Final report featuring studies of Westwood Plateau Golf and Country Club, Guildford Golf Club in Surrey, and Eagle Quest at Musqueam, will be published in December.

For Further Media Information:
Richard Lazazzera

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